Courtyard of the Rocca | P.le Marconi, 1 - Novellara (RE)
6 July, 9.30 pm
San Luigi Room | via Luigi Nanni, 14 - Forlì
July 8, 9.30 pm
Arena Shows | via Repubblica, 10 - Ozzano dell'Emilia (BO)
9 July, 9.30 pm

Il Barbiere a Fumetti was born from a musical idea: Vincenzo Gambaro's suite on the music of Rossini's Opera, arranged for wind orchestra.
In this musical version, Maestro Giocoli decided to combine the intricate story of Rosina , told by the unpublished drawings of the Japanese mangaka Tsukishiro Yūko.
Two apparently distant languages, united however by the story and the expressiveness.
The opera plunges into the contemporaneity of Japanese comics, the immediacy of the visual art is intertwined with the sound, giving back a new and original version of the work that can also speak to a young and contemporary audience.
The new arrangements that ATTI SONORI has produced for chamber orchestra have given life to a new score for 10 real parts , in which the work is stripped of the recitative parts and stages only the music, while the comics are projected onto a backdrop. scenographic and tell the story through the suggestion of the images.
A few short captions help to better understand the tangled history of the "Barber of Seville".

director Giambattista Giocoli
Francesco Fagioli flute
Stefano Franceschini first clarinet | Mirco Ghirardini second clarinet
Luca Piovesan accordion
Giulia Ginestrini bassoon (6 July) | Umberto Codecà bassoon (8 and 9 July)
Imerio Tagliaferri first horn | Benedetto Dallaglio second horn
Fabio Codeluppi trumpet | Valentino Spaggiari trombone
Gianluigi Paganelli bass tuba
Tsukishiro Yūko manga drawings
conceived by Giambattista Giocoli
musical arrangements Fabio Codeluppi and Giambattista Giocoli
digital coloring Michele Cerone
1. 采薇 Cai Wei
arr. Zhang Yaqin
Zhang Yaqin, Fu Wanying | guzheng
Lai Wenjin | ruan
Tan Jing | voce
2. 剑器 Danza della spada
Lai Wenjin | liuqin
3. 送我⼀只玫瑰花 Regalami una rosa
Yu Qiling | pipa
4. 紫竹调 Suono del bambù
arr. Zhang Yaqin
5. 江南 A sud del fiume
Fu Wanying, Zhang Yaqin | guzheng
6. 梅花三弄 Tre variazioni di fiori di prugna
arr. Zhang Yaqin
7. ⼆泉映⽉ La luna riflessa nella fontana
Xie Ziyu | erhu
8. 越⼈歌 Canto di Barcaiolo
Tan Jing | voce
Lai Wenjin | ruan
Zhang Yaqin | guzheng
Zhang Yuli | dizi
9. 幽远的歌声 Canto remoto
Lai Wenjin | ruan
10. 姑苏行 Un viaggio a Suzhou
Zhang Yuli | dizi
11. 林冲夜奔 Lin Chong in fuga
Zhang Yaqin | guzheng
12. 盛世国乐 L’età della fioritura
arr. Zhang Yaqin
Aperitivi a cura di Oui in cucina
intero 12€
ridotto 10€ riduzioni under 30, over 65, card Cultura
ridotto 5€ under 18
ATTI SONORI fa parte di Bologna Estate 2024, il cartellone di attività promosso e coordinato dal Comune di Bologna e dalla Città metropolitana di Bologna - Territorio Turistico Bologna-Modena.