The Teatro del Baraccano , is part of the complex of the Baraccano Conservatory, of which it forms the west wing; its construction dates back to 1500. Until the 1970s it served as the Conservatory of the Putte , a place where the Bolognese orphans were educated and prepared for marriage. After the 1970s, the space was closed for about thirty years. Subject of a careful renovation by the Municipality of Bologna, it was reopened and used as a theater in 2006. During the renovation, further frescoes were found in the main hall.
In 2010 the Perséphone Association has won the tender of Municipality of Bologna / Santo Stefano for the management of the theater, where the ACTS SONORI project is carried out, which includes theater, music, interaction between the arts, shows and workshops for children.
In 2014 the Teatro del Baraccano was recognized by the Giunta Municipal as part of the "City Theater System", it therefore carries out "institutional activity".
The space also includes an internal courtyard, the Cortile del Teatro del Baraccano , used, in the summer season, for larger musical theater performances, including musical and opera .

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