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February 15, 9.30 pm


docufilm projection and acoustic live


Don't look for yourself outside  from  Francesco Paolo Paladino  is a journey through the Sicilian landscapes located on the slopes of Etna, where  Juri Camisasca  he experiences the slow passage of time every day , the relationship with silence , with the Spirit , with the place that hosts it , with Sound as a manifestation of something higher.
The artist tells the salient aspects of his existential and spiritual path.

The documentary film will be presented and screened,  with the presence of  Juri Camisasca  and the producer and creator of the project  Antonello Cresti .

After the screening, Juri will perform in a  acoustic mini-LIVE  of some of the most significant pieces of his repertoire.


Artist of extraordinary sensitivity, composer of sacred music, iconographer, author, former Benedictine monk and profound researcher of the mystical dimensions of the human being.
In 1974 the collaboration with
  Franco Battiato , lending his voice in the choirs, within the album  Click . His recording debut takes place in 1975 with a surreal album, La Finestra Inside , produced by Franco Battiato and  Pino Massara  and distributed by the historic Bla Bla label.
At the end of the seventies, the inner search that has always accompanied him finds an answer in the religious search, and so he decides to take vows and become a Benedictine monk, retiring to monastic life for about eleven years.
  In 1985 he wrote the well-known song  Nomadi , executed by Carla Bissi, in art  Alice  and subsequently inserted by Franco Battiato in the Fisiognomica album.

In the spring of 1988, a new album, the Te Deum , was released for the label of his friend Battiato,  The eighth.  It is an album of Gregorian chants, electronically arranged and composed of songs from the Christian tradition and original compositions, revisited and set to music by Camisasca himself.  1990 is the year of Il  Carmelo di Echt , an album of unpublished songs of great intensity, among which White Clouds stands out, expression of a profound inner research. 1999 is a very important year for Juri, because after nine years of silence a new album of unreleased songs arrives on the record market, Arcano enigma , produced by Battiato and played with the collaboration of  Bluvertigo .

In May 2016, Camisasca's discographic return takes place, who, together with the musician Rosario Di Bella , realizes and publishes the album  Spirituality , distributed by Warner Music.


Producer and creator of the project "
Don't look for yourself outside "
  he is an essayist, composer and cultural agitator. He graduated with honors in Performing Arts from the University of Florence. He has already published ten books, released by various publishing houses, dedicated to underground music, British culture, counterculture and esotericism. Currently he focuses his major efforts on the dissemination of "other music" on the national territory.  His latest book with co-author Renzo Cresti is out:  “The disappearance of music - Musicology with the hammer” - Nova Europa Edizioni.


Director of the DocuFilm. After having participated in the most important national and foreign short film festivals, in 2000 he began to devote himself to video art. Together with Maria Assunta Karini he formed the Kapa; since 2003 he has collaborated with important musicians from all over the world making audio / video called “trancesfilm”.

Ticket € 20

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