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August 6,  9.15 pm
Nipponica and NipPop


concert and lantern ceremony

Japanese songs for soprano and harp
The lyrics of Japanese songs often represent a delicate and ephemeral nature that, behind its gracefulness, actually sublimates deep emotions.

The chosen poems speak of the intensity of the moment, a careful observation of the surrounding universe and an introspection all linked to living the magic of the moment, real or imagined, present or past. The modern harp replaces the traditional Japanese koto with graceful impressionist harmonies.
The show was presented in prestigious national and international venues such as: the
World Harp Congress in Hong Kong, China, the Rio Harp Festival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the Sentmenat Harp Festival (Barcelona, Spain), in Genoa, E. Chiossone di Arte Orientale , in Vicenza (Inauguration of the Haru no Kazè Festival in the presence of the Consul of Japan) in Como (Villa Carlotta) in Ferrara, Palazzo Marfisa d'Este (Bal'danza review) for the FIDAPA event  (ITALIAN FEDERATION WOMEN ARTS PROFESSIONS BUSINESS) in Ferrara, Milan (Inauguration of the Ikebana Exhibition), in Bologna (University of Bologna, Ca 'Shin and Oratorio San Carlo), in Cento, Castello di Galeazza (Midnight Moonlight Music).
The cd of the program
The moon, the sea and the cherry trees in bloom was recorded in 2015.

Our version will follow
  from the  Lantern Ceremony ,  the event to remember the victims of the Hiroshima atomic explosion.

Miho Kamiya  soprano

Marianne Gubri  harp

  Sandra Cavallini

Single ticket € 10

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