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Bologna Harp Festival

in collaboration with ACTI SONORI

February 11, 9 pm


Tales of Celtic lands, of journeys between Mediterranean islands and exotic counties, of tribal steles and precious gems, which mark a mythical path.  The rhythmic and incisive pulsation marks the time leaving room for a melodic and emotional poetry. The instruments dialogue in a variety of harmonic sounds and create a fertile ground for meditative, relaxing and creative states.


classical and celtic harp  Marianne Gubri
hang and percussion  Paolo Borghi

Ticket € 14 (full), € 12 (reduced)


Harp & Hang DUO, founded by the two artists  Marianne Gubri  And  Paolo Borghi , proposes an unprecedented combination of suggestive sounds between the harp , a classic instrument with a long musical history, and the hang , a very modern percussion of Swiss origin.

The original compositions of the duo Harp & Hang find their inspiration in the repertoire of ancient, Celtic, tribal and ethnic music, but also in the minimalist and modern style.

On 15 July 2015 the first CD recorded by Harp &  Hang DUO entitled Nyanga . 

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