2 and 3 March, 9 pm
a project of the Compagnia della Quarta
To play down the sacredness of the three places traditionally dedicated to the purification of the spirit, is the goal of Purgatorio Bum Bum, the first chapter of a trilogy of theater and dance in which hell, purgatory and paradise become surreal and grotesque settings in which a veteran and a fool sinful freshman play with competition and gambling on the probabilities of their own destiny.
Purgatorio boom boom opens with a danced divertissement that tells the long wait towards the divine in an exchange of roles that does not guarantee salvation, much less, the assumption into heaven of the chosen one. Original sin has made us guilty against our will. Regardless of the conduct of an entire life, the path to redemption becomes necessary and inevitable. What better place, if not purgatory, to decontaminate the soul from any dirt and then aspire to the empyrean?
In Purgatorio Bum Bum a choreographer / dancer and an actor / performer, through body language and an "English-speaking gramelot" in a non-place suspended between the possible and the unimaginable, put on stage the story of a "teacher" who sees as his last hope for approaching a better life, the transmission of his experiences to a pupil who is not really adequate to the circumstances.
Purgatorio Bum Bum is the emblem of change and spiritual transformation that passes from the need for a real physical transmutation: to resemble those who are about to cross the threshold, who can finally access Celestial Spheres becomes a necessary step to hope to really make it.
On stage the fetishes and emblems of humanity sacred images transformed into a slot machine, tequila glasses that are transformed into the game of three cards in an apotheosis of vices transformed into games of skill. Who wants to play? Rien ne va plus ...
concept and choreography Mario Coccetti
interpreters Fabrizio Molducci / Mario Coccetti
production Compagnia della Quarta
organization Valentina Bressanin
Supported by Teatro De Micheli (FE - Italy)
Center de résidence La Chapelle (Brest - France)
Ticket 12 € (full), 10 € (reduced)